Launching the TEDxWathiqoon platform

Mars Organization for Community Development, announces the launch of the TEDxW platform, within Wathiqoon program. We invite you to submit applications to participate as teams and join us in this unique experience.

Mars Organization for Community Development, announces the launch of the TEDxW platform, within Wathiqoon programEmpowering Democracy Ambassadors” with support from the Center de crise et de soutien (CDCS), and invites you to submit applications to participate as teams and join us in this unique experience.

The platform aims to enable community members and democracy ambassadors to express their ideas in an attractive manner to the public. which in turn achieves the promotion of democracy, citizenship and peace building.

Interested teams are offered the opportunity to participate in cognitive training and skills development in a variety of fields, thich help them prepare powerful content and perform distinctive presentations that last 15-20 minutes on the TEDxWathiqoon platform, that planned tobe held in two regions in northern Syria.


  • For more information and to submit applications, review the TEDxW Platform Guide by clicking here
  • The deadline for receiving applications is on October 23 , 2023 at 23:59 Syrian time.

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